Monday, August 17, 2009

This Is Why I Can't Sleep

Guaranteed, this is the weirdest commission I have ever and will ever receive. Seriously though, when someone says "I want myself, riding a flying unicorn who is [doing the nasty with] Hunter S Thompson," I doubt that they really expect you to do it.

Nuts to them, I love a challenge.

Stumble Upon Toolbar


Curtis Rioux said...

I really hope that horse isnt doing what i think its doing but i have a sneaking suspicion that it is.

Surprisingly gross and well executed.

Thank you for that.

Holly Yerkie said...

I know, I contemplated for a few days about whether or not I was going to even post this.

typicallydia said...

oh god. i just set this as my desktop background for the day.

you will need to tell me more someday :D