Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Commission: Shino

My latest commission, my sisters rabbit. :p

Stumble Upon Toolbar


Curtis Rioux said...

Nice job! really cute character, also i enjoy the way you made the giant carrot.

1 thing i noticed in when it was in the thumbnail version especially is that the hard shadow on this face meets with the circle shape behind him, causing a bit of a tangent.

Again, lovely character.
(Thats what i call a compliment sandwich).


Holly Yerkie said...

Thanks Curtis!

I saw that too and actually moved it to make it worse :P I thought it was a neat look. If it proves to be too distracting though, I'll change it.

Thanks for the sandwhich! It was yummy!

Curtis Rioux said...

nono, not at all. Like i said before in the thumbnail its more noticable. At full size its not bad ;)

Holly Yerkie said...

Now it's all I can think about!