Saturday, October 4, 2008

Final Fantasy

Done ages ago as a little group project...but some people never finished.'s me, as a Final Fantasy mage/summoner. Coloured by my good friend Tania. BLOG

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BrokenTV said...

haha yeah I never did finish shading those, I also never got the images from the others.

Oh well. Haha, if I would have been smart I would have just colored the three of ours and put them up together.

Holly Yerkie said...

And the ones that you did were really nicely done too!

You could still put them together if you wanted. ^^

BrokenTV said...

Haha but that would mean finishing the shading first... haha

My shading techniques have change muchly since.

Holly Yerkie said...

I guess it has at that, for the better though!

Laura Blackbeard said...

holy shit, havent seen that in ages. idk where mine went but it was kinda badass...

Holly Yerkie said...

I know! it was so ages ago!

I still have the partially coloured version that Tania sent me of yours actually.